02.Mar.2011 Typology №1 fire hydrants

typology №1 fire hydrants

© Thomas White

This week I finished my first typology photography project for my PO106 digital processing class. I decided to photograph fire hydrants since I have noticed over the years that they come in many colors and styles. When I started this project, paying more attention to the fire hydrants around me, I was surprised that you can find two or three different styles on almost every street.


I photographed about 30 different hydrants over four days, then I sorted them based on style and color. Next I whittled them down to the best nine. Finally, I considered what order to present them. After trying about ten different layouts I decided on the layout you see here. I really enjoyed the process of putting together this typology and I am certain it is just the first of many to come.

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Collection of work
by Thomas E White