Archive for the "photography" Category

28.Jul.2011 Afternoon at the Meijer Gardens

Tuesday I spend a couple hours with a friend walking around the Meijer Gardens. We walked down some paths that I have not been on before. Below are a couple images from the visit, to see a few more visit my Facebook page. Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser […]

06.Jul.2011 Morning at the Meijer Gardens

This morning I visited the Meijer Gardens to shoot plants, animals and sculptures. Below are a couple shots from my visit. Visit my Facebook page to see more. Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend

03.Jul.2011 Fun with Sun Prints

Today I started playing with sun prints. It is a different mindset compared to traditional photography. I did have the opportunity to  try my hand at sun printing in when I was in elementary school. It is as fun now as it was when I was a child. Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell […]

29.Jun.2011 Shooting The Stars

Tonight I finally took my camera on a little road trip to get away from the lights of the city and shoot the stars. Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend

16.May.2011 Out and About

Recently I started a Facebook page to share my photography with a greater audience than just my friends and family on Facebook. Today I posted some photos I took this morning while walking around my neighborhood. I really enjoy walking around enjoying nature and even noticing things I haven’t noticed before. Feel free to check […]

07.Mar.2011 I ♥ my 50mm lens

Since the day I put my 50mm f/1.8 lens on my Nikon D90, it has been the only lens I’ve used (until this past weekend when I used my kit lens to play with some filters I don’t have for my 50mm yet). I love shallow depth of field, it functions great in low light […]

02.Mar.2011 Typology №1 fire hydrants

This week I finished my first typology photography project for my PO106 digital processing class. I decided to photograph fire hydrants since I have noticed over the years that they come in many colors and styles. When I started this project, paying more attention to the fire hydrants around me, I was surprised that you can find […]

14.Dec.2010 The most important things I learned in Photography 102

I can not believe that my 14 week course is ending this week, it seems like the first day of class was only yesterday. I had hoped to learn more about techniques for shooting photos, but what I walked away with instead is a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the art of photography and some really useful […]

19.Sep.2010 Falling in love with photography all over again

I have been in love with photography for some time and now I am falling in love with photography all over again. I am learning about traditional film photography developing and processing. Two weeks ago I used a 12 year old Minolta Maxxus HTsi I picked up on craigslist to shoot my first roll of […]

09.Sep.2010 Learning the old school basics of film photography

I never thought the day would come when I would be developing my own film, or for that matter, the day that I would be using a film SLR camera. The photography class I am taking requires learning how to process black and white film in a dark room for the first two weeks of […]

Collection of work
by Thomas E White