Archive for the "T. White" Category

14.Dec.2010 The most important things I learned in Photography 102

I can not believe that my 14 week course is ending this week, it seems like the first day of class was only yesterday. I had hoped to learn more about techniques for shooting photos, but what I walked away with instead is a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the art of photography and some really useful […]

19.Sep.2010 Falling in love with photography all over again

I have been in love with photography for some time and now I am falling in love with photography all over again. I am learning about traditional film photography developing and processing. Two weeks ago I used a 12 year old Minolta Maxxus HTsi I picked up on craigslist to shoot my first roll of […]

09.Sep.2010 Learning the old school basics of film photography

I never thought the day would come when I would be developing my own film, or for that matter, the day that I would be using a film SLR camera. The photography class I am taking requires learning how to process black and white film in a dark room for the first two weeks of […]

18.Aug.2010 There, I fixed it

Last week I submitted a photograph to the website, “There, I Fixed It.” This site features epic kludges, jury rigs and redneck repairs and is part of the Cheezburger Network (home of ICanHasCheezburger and FailBlog). The photograph I submitted is of a tricycle with square wooden blocks for pedals, it was taken at the end of […]

12.Aug.2010 On the shore of Lake Michigan

Sunday morning I had plans to go to Grand Haven to take pictures at the beach for fun. The day was almost called off because of the weather, it was overcast and stormy. We decided to brave it and head to the beach anyway, hoping that the rain would stop, and by the time we […]

26.Jul.2010 Composite photo fun

The latest technique I am trying out is creating composite photos. I have learned that one of the most important things to remember when setting up the shot is to be conscious of shadows and reflections. Aside from that, it is also easier to composite images together if you do not have any overlap, since […]

23.Jul.2010 The start of a love affair

Spring of 2003 I picked up my first digital camera, it was an Olympus C-4000 Zoom. Not a bad little digital camera with automatic and manual settings. I loved this camera to death. The idea of digital photography compared to traditional film photography was really appealing to me, mostly for the fact that after the initial cost of the […]

17.Jul.2010 Collection of work by Thomas White

Today, I launched the newest version of my online portfolio (link). Even though I still love the previous version of my portfolio (link), I decided it was time to make an updated, smart phone friendly (flash free) online portfolio, in addition I also included this blog, a twitter account (@geekofnature), and even have a google […]

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08.Jul.2010 The birth of a blog

My name is Thomas White, I am a student and the assistant to the owner of a local advertising agency. I have been working in advertising for over half a decade and I love having the opportunity to explore my passion for design and photography. This blog is my place to share what inspires me along with […]

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Collection of work
by Thomas E White