04.Aug.2011 Beautiful morning for a walk

This morning was the first morning all week that didn’t feel overly humid. I celebrated by taking my camera with me for a walk. Here are a couple images from this morning. Visit my Facebook page to see the rest.

© Thomas White

© Thomas White

28.Jul.2011 Afternoon at the Meijer Gardens

Tuesday I spend a couple hours with a friend walking around the Meijer Gardens. We walked down some paths that I have not been on before. Below are a couple images from the visit, to see a few more visit my Facebook page.

© Thomas White

© Thomas White

06.Jul.2011 Morning at the Meijer Gardens

This morning I visited the Meijer Gardens to shoot plants, animals and sculptures. Below are a couple shots from my visit. Visit my Facebook page to see more.

© Thomas White

© Thomas White

03.Jul.2011 Fun with Sun Prints

Today I started playing with sun prints. It is a different mindset compared to traditional photography. I did have the opportunity to  try my hand at sun printing in when I was in elementary school. It is as fun now as it was when I was a child.

© Thomas E White

© Thomas E White

29.Jun.2011 Shooting The Stars

Tonight I finally took my camera on a little road trip to get away from the lights of the city and shoot the stars.

© Thomas E White

© Thomas E White

27.Jun.2011 Another Cinemagraph

I really enjoyed creating my first cinemagraph, but I didn’t stop with one. Here is my second cinemagraph (and there will be more coming soon).

© Thomas White

24.Jun.2011 My First Cinemagraph

I tried my hand at creating my first cinemagraph today. I’ve been seeing these online for a few months now and found a great tutorial on how to make them.

© Thomas White

16.May.2011 Out and About

Dandelions reaching through a bench

© Thomas White

Recently I started a Facebook page to share my photography with a greater audience than just my friends and family on Facebook. Today I posted some photos I took this morning while walking around my neighborhood. I really enjoy walking around enjoying nature and even noticing things I haven’t noticed before. Feel free to check out my latest images and don’t forget to click the like button on my Facebook page.

07.Mar.2011 I ♥ my 50mm lens

Since the day I put my 50mm f/1.8 lens on my Nikon D90, it has been the only lens I’ve used (until this past weekend when I used my kit lens to play with some filters I don’t have for my 50mm yet). I love shallow depth of field, it functions great in low light and produces minimal lens distortion. When I picked up my D90 (my very first DSLR), it came with the 18-105mm kit lens and a 70-300mm zoom lens. Prior to picking up the 50mm lens, the only way I could achieve a great blurred background on photographs was with my zoom lens.

Before learning about what a 50mm lens could do for me, I had convinced myself that the only lens I needed (other than the kit and zoom lens that came with my camera) was a wide angle lens. I read different blog and twitter posts for months about how much people love their 50mm lens and I was convinced I needed one. From the first shot I took with the 50mm lens, I knew it was the start of a great love affair.

© Thomas White

The first thing I shot was a bowl of mixed nuts on a table about four feet away from the Christmas tree. The contrast from the plane of focus to the bokeh of the background makes the image pop. From there I photographed Christmas decoration, fruit and finally my cat Cleo. Each photo I took made me love the 50mm lens more. Now instead of looking forward to a wide angle lens, I am looking forward to more prime lens at some point in the future.

I question I get most from other photographers who don’t use prime lenses is, “Don’t you miss being able to zoom in and out?” To that I answer, not very often. Even though I have to physically move closer to zoom in, the quality of image my 50mm produces compared to my kit lens is impressive. A kit lens is great if you are on a budget or enjoy photography as a hobby, but I recommend the 50mm lens to anyone who takes their photography seriously, you will not be disappointed.

02.Mar.2011 Typology №1 fire hydrants

typology №1 fire hydrants

© Thomas White

This week I finished my first typology photography project for my PO106 digital processing class. I decided to photograph fire hydrants since I have noticed over the years that they come in many colors and styles. When I started this project, paying more attention to the fire hydrants around me, I was surprised that you can find two or three different styles on almost every street.


I photographed about 30 different hydrants over four days, then I sorted them based on style and color. Next I whittled them down to the best nine. Finally, I considered what order to present them. After trying about ten different layouts I decided on the layout you see here. I really enjoyed the process of putting together this typology and I am certain it is just the first of many to come.

Collection of work
by Thomas E White